Stories & Insights: Meet Jessica Broome

“We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Jessica Broome. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Jessica below.” Canvas Rebel: Meet Jessica Broome

Picture This: How We Visualize Data to Tell Stronger Stories

This is the second in a series of profiles about inspiring folks we love to collaborate with.   The multi-talented Sidney Jansons is a market researcher with a background in design. She enhances her research work with design skills to effectively communicate insights. Sidney has been instrumental in taking Southpaw’s reporting from “blah” to “boom!”, and her own […]

Have We Come a Long Way Since 2020?

In the summer of 2020, the energy sweeping the country surrounding racial injustice was like nothing I’d ever seen. For several weeks (with work largely at a standstill), I divided most of my time between marching in the streets and staying glued to CNN. This seemed like an unprecedented moment in the United States. But… […]

The Company We Keep: Bringing Together Big Data and Thick Data

Here at Southpaw, we are lucky to work with all kinds of talented people and fascinating organizations. So, we thought it would be fun to share the love with our readers by occasionally featuring a few of our favorite collaborators. First up is our good friend and fellow Titanium Worldwide member, David Ricciardi. David is the founder and […]

Perspectives on Work Life Balance

The Coronavirus has given many us an opportunity to pause and think about life, our purpose, and even the right work life balance. What’s your perspective and has it changed over time? ShoutOut LA: Meet Jessica Broome | Founder and Head Southpaw, Southpaw Insights

Using a “Whole Person” Approach for Better Data and Happier Respondents

Here at Southpaw, our mission is to help our clients understand what people think, feel, and do. In all the work we do, we apply a holistic “whole person” approach, by recognizing that everyone we talk to, whether they are department store shoppers, homeless youth, or elite professional audiences, are people first, with thoughts, feelings, expectations, hopes, […]

How Research Can Help You Weather the Great Resignation

Whether you call it The Great Resignation or The Great Reshuffle, the voluntary departure of 47 million people from their jobs last year has been a big deal for employers of all sizes. As a business owner and a researcher, I’m highly engaged in this trend on two fronts:1) How do I find, recruit, and hire the talented […]