The Power of Partnerships

Over the past few months I’ve had several opportunities to present with some of our favorite longtime clients on the power of partnership. Tiana Badillo, Senior Customer Experience manager at Macy’s, and I gave a talk to research and insights professionals at the QUIRKS Event that we cheekily titled “It Takes Two to Tango: The Benefits of Long-Term Supplier Partnerships.” And I was delighted to join Stephen McCauley, founder of The Ginger Network, to speak to a room full of PR agency owners about how our 10 year collaboration has led to a beautiful melding of research and communications.

Stephen and I knew our own partnership was the “secret sauce” in our awesome work for clients like Bush’s Beans, General Mills, and the North American Meat Institute, but we wondered: Are other agencies using partners? What do they see as benefits? And where do inter-agency partnerships falter? To find out, we surveyed 43 agency leaders.

It turned out that we were NOT alone in our reliance on partnerships; fully 98% of the agency leaders we surveyed reported using partners! Check out this infographic for some results from our survey and contact us to learn more.

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